this one, is the first comic strip i've made..
so so silly...

the theme of this comic is friendship..
Friendship is more precious than everything (ex:money n popularity)

okey,, i love comic,
but it doesn't mean that i can make a good comic right??
saya masih harus banyak blajar untuk bisa membuat komik yg bagus, dan pastinya harus banyak berlatih,,
cuz,, practice is the best solution to become expert...
aha aha,,,jaa nee,,,
enough for this time,, :))
Hehehe... bagus kok...
BalasHapusuntuk membuat komik, idenya susaah.. lalu menuangkannya ke atas kertas lebih susah lagii.. :D
hoho,,trima kasih,, maklum masih pemula :)